9 Things No One Ever Tells You About Waxing
Regardless of whether you’re a first-timer or even a seasoned client, when it comes to waxing, you’re guaranteed to have some questions. If you’ve never had your hairs stripped from your body, you’re bound to be equal parts curious and cautious about what to expect before booking your first appointment. If you’re a waxing regular, you probably still wonder about the real rules and best practices for prep and post-wax maintenance.
Even though it’s common practice, so much about the hair-removal practice is still shrouded in mystery. With so many conflicting dos and don’ts for waxing, it can be hard to sift through to find the facts. To get to the truth about waxing, we reached out to Noemi Grupenmager, the founder and CEO of Uni K Wax Centers. Here she’s shared everything you’ve wanted to know about waxing but have been too afraid to ask.