Getting your first Brazilian wax was probably more nerve-wracking than swiping your v-card—and a helluva lot more painful. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Take these steps to ensure your delicate down-there skin doesn’t get all red and angry on you every time.
Pick your poison. There are essentially three different types of wax: strip, hard, and elastic, says Noemi Grupenmager, founder and CEO of Uni K Wax Center, an award-winning waxing salon with locations in New York, New Jersey, and Florida. Strip wax (the wax is literally on strips of cloth) often takes a long time and can leave skin sticky. Meanwhile, hard wax can break and crack, making it difficult to remove. Elastic wax—which is what’s used at Uni K—is significantly less painful (take our word for it!). That’s because it stretches to remove hair and causes less pulling. Call your waxing salon before making an appointment to find out what they use.